Tuesday 21 May 2013

Additional Help Section B (part two of the question)

Here are a few hints on answering the second part of the question in Section B.

When answering the question say how you would ACT your character in BRH focus your answer of a particular scene or section you acted well in, and you remember lines from. You must answer in the first person e.g “I would make my eyes wide to show that I was surprised”. Make it clear exactly how you would tackle the character, your vocal and physical expression etc.

Use the following structure to write your answer

A good answer will show that you can visualise the performance and can respond imaginatively to the challenge of playing your chosen character.

Firstly state the play’s title; "Blue Remembered Hills by Dennis Potter written in 1979, set in the West country during WW2."

Next say which character you are answering on, who they are, their age, their status and their role in the play’s plot (for BRH you should also mention why their age, the fact that Potter wanted them to be played by adults and the need for them to have a West Country accent.)

Then work through the section you have chosen e.g 'killing the squirrel or Donald in the Barn' taking a few lines you speak and explain how you would perform it :
then physically
and finally how you would respond to the other character’s on the stage.


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