Tuesday 21 May 2013

Additional Help on Section B (the first part of the question)

You will have the choice of two questions in Section B, each question is divided into TWO parts (this will be numbered either 5&6 or 7&8, choose the question most focused on ACTING) 

Here is the examiner feedback from last year's question 5, Part One of the question:

“Excellent responses to this question had thoughtful application of vocal and physical skills to the preparation work undertaken by candidates. Strategies used to develop skills included, workshops, character profiles, off-text improvisations, role on the wall, reading and discussion of the script, use of youtube and seeing a live production of the play”

To answer this you must first select a few rehearsal techniques for example:
  • Hot Seating to understand your characters background, thoughts and feelings.
  • Watching the film of BRH (this helped with accent, vocals, physicality of children)
  • Playing children's games (for physicality)
  • Looking at stage directions and character descriptions given by Potter in the play
  • Using memories of childhood (this help with movement and interactions between characters)
  • Improvisations
Choose one key moment to focus on, I would suggest the scene you know the best and can remember lines from. Explain how you created your character in this scene and how you moved, your facial expressions and your vocal delivery. Be detailed and use lines from the play to back up your points.

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